How do a global pandemic and a wild dream connect?
Thrive Learning Center was born out of a long lasting dream that became possible during a global pandemic. Thrive Learning Center is rooted in the foundations of flexibility, resilience and interest based learnings. During the process of building this business, we have embraced all of those things as owners and founders.
As teachers, we dreamed together of the idyllic school atmosphere that we would want to teach in and send our kids to. At the time, it seemed like an unattainable dream. However, during the pandemic, we stepped away from traditional teaching and embraced a different type of teaching and learning; there was space to chase our dreams.
We have experienced first hand what it means to explore learning based on interest. I would never have imagined that I would spend hours upon hours reading zoning ordinances, fire code regulations, non-public school adequacies requirements, lease agreements and so much more.
Yet, because I was interested and invested in these topics, I had the capacity to read, digest, and comprehend these topics that before had seemed like utter gibberish. I found myself asking big questions, clarifying information, and inviting experts into the conversations to help me better understand all of the intricacies.

Throughout this journey, I have learned to take calculated risks and build resilience in ways I’ve never experienced. This process has been full of hurry up and wait. For every one viable location we considered for our school, there were 5 more that were adamantly a no. This took vulnerability to boldly approach possible locations and roll with disappointment.
As well, I could never imagine that I would stand before a zoning committee and boldly and confidently petition for a special land use permit that would allow our school to have a place to meet.
My business partner and I have taken steps to learn about topics that align with our passions and interests for creating Thrive Learning Center:
Navigating licensing with the State of Michigan
Understanding and meeting Michigan’s requirements for Non-public schools
Talking with an attorney to ensure we are following all legal protocols
Reading, comprehending and following fire code and zoning ordinances
Boldly meeting with many experts in the fields of education and business, consulting with Blue Bridge School on start up procedures, and receiving advice, feedback, encouragement and suggestions to make us even better educators and business women.
Courageously asking BIG questions because, “What’s the worst that can happen? They say no?”
What does all of this have to do with your child and interest in Thrive Learning Center?
I want to emphasize that we desire to create this type of learning environment for your kids. We want to instill in them the desire, vulnerability, bravery and resilience to: ask BIG questions, take risks, explore interests, teach the ability to fail, dream outside the box and be the truest and most authentic version of themselves.